Tigerlily, George Street

One of my favourite cocktail bars in Edinburgh has to be Tigerlily on George Street. I went there for my 18th birthday and couldn't wait to go again! They have a great menu filled with lots of different combinations of cocktails to choose from. The cocktails range from £7 to £9 and there are also sharing punches you can get to share between a group of you. The bar has a relaxed atmosphere where you could go for after work drinks to relax or have a catch up with your friends.

Tigerlily have an 'After Work Club' where from Tuesday-Friday selected cocktails are only £3.95 and a glass of wine is £2.95. The deal is aimed at workers going for drinks after work but it's a great deal that students can make use of too! Going to Tigerlily is a great excuse to get dressed up, grab your girlfriends and have a cocktail........or two!!



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