Oktoberfest, Princes Street Gardens

One evening a couple of weeks ago I headed along to Princes Street Gardens to an Oktoberfest event that was taking place in marquees in the gardens.
The marquee was filled with rows of tables and benches with people sitting drinking beers and eating traditional German food. At the bottom of the tent a German band were playing dressed in full lederhosen's which added to the great atmosphere! 


My beer of choice was a 'Radler' which is a light beer with lemonade. I'm not much of a beer drinker but I found out about a Radler in Munich over the summer.

After the German band had finished a DJ came on the stage and played some great sing along tracks which had everyone up standing on the benches singing and dancing until the end of the night. 


It was such a different way to spend a Wednesday evening and I always love going to a different kind of event that I haven't been to before. I can't wait to return to Edinburgh Oktoberfest when it comes around next year! 


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